Social responsibility at “Zain Sudan”

Social responsibility at “Zain Sudan”

Zain Sudan is proud that it occupies an advanced position among the Zain group of companies in terms of the participation of its employees in volunteer work and community service to provide the most effective social responsibility initiatives. Zain realizes that the projects it undertakes in the areas of social responsibility will play an important role in developing our capabilities towards achieving our goals aimed at growing as a leading entity. Our commitment to positively impact the lives of our communities is something that occupies a deeper place in our business strategy day after day.

Zain’s Board of Directors believes that a sustainable future is a bright future. Through its high performance and advanced networks, the company fully supports our societies, as it harnesses the modern communications technologies provided by its operations to serve the orientations and ambitions of all individuals, from the rich and the poor to the young and old, to enable them all to engage. And integrate with the world around them. In recent years, the company has worked on refining and developing the methodological frameworks for its operations in the field of social responsibility. This included the establishment of a central department for social responsibility at the Zain Group level, with sub-departments in each of its operating companies, which developed its initiatives towards the communities in which it works. With it. At the heart of all these initiatives, the essential element of all its successes was the presence of Zain’s talented and dedicated employees. In fact, being an employee of “Zain” is a badge of honor for the company.

The most prominent thing that Zain has provided and is providing to society is creating communication between people in various parts of Sudan, as its products and services connect families and friends, help companies meet their needs, and connect various parts of the world, regardless of geographical location. In line with its commitment to continue making communications affordable and accessible to all, the company continues to provide innovative services in order to bridge the “digital divide” that exists between those who have abundant technological capabilities and those who do not. The company takes pride in providing care to its customers, allowing them to have access to the latest technology. Zain’s contribution to society is focused on four axes: education, health, community development, and environmental preservation.